New Cinema South

Loess | Einat Amsalem Ben-Yaakov
Israel 2012 | 30 minutes | Hebrew | Feature

Night | Luna Mater
Israel 2013 | 6 minutes | Hebrew | Animation

Paratrooper | Daniel Ambia, Daniel Porat Israel
Israel 2022 | 8 minutes | Hebrew | Animation

Cockroach | Jonathan Hashiloni
Israel, 2016 |14 minutes | Hebrew | Animation

The guide to human waste | Shaul Levy
Israel, 2019 | 12 minutes | Hebrew | Animation

Pepchook | Tamar Chetzroni
Israel, 2022 | 9 minutes | English | Animation

Mediterranean fever | Michal Lavi
Israel, 2007 | 30 minutes | Hebrew | Documentary

Salaam, David | Robbie Elmaliah, Dani Geva
Israel, 2008 | 20 minutes | Hebrew, Arabic | Feature

Family pizza | Mekikes Amar
Israel, 2003 | 52 minutes | Hebrew | Documentary

Sashka | Jana Lerner
Israel, 2015 | 32 minutes | Hebrew | Documentary

Utopia | Natalia Dorshewitz, Tamar Chetzroni
Israel, Poland 2020 | 4 minutes | Polish | Animation

Documentary collection: 4 characters:

Dvir Sassi (from "Sderotim") | Raphael Balulu
Israel, 2019 | 14 minutes | Hebrew

Shalhevet Admola (from "Thank God, No Casualties: another day") | Adva Odaya Ogen, Orit Zigdon
Israel, 2019 | Hebrew

Araleh Cohen (from "Sderotim") | Raphael Balulu
Israel, 2020 | 12 minutes | Hebrew

Moshav Maslul (from "The Hungry Road") | Mika Leshed
Israel, 2018 | Hebrew

Cathriel | Roni Ashernizky, Yulia Zabat, Noa Chen
Israel, 2017 | 8:30 minutes | Hebrew | animation

Someone to hum with | Itay Tzur
Israel, 2011 | 42 minutes | Hebrew | Documentary

With an open mouth and closed ears | Tom Meder, Am-Li Noi
Israel, 2012 | 16 minutes | Animation