While Israel considers how to revitalize the devastated communities of Hevel Tkuma / Gaza Envelope, Sapir Academic College has just taken the first step.

Sapir, the academic nerve center of the entire Western Negev, will devote most of its NIS 200 million in government rehabilitation funding to scholarships, enabling more students from diverse backgrounds to study in the region. Its flagship initiative will be free tuition for all first-year students. In exchange, students will commit themselves to 60 hours of community service - building resilience, helping underserved communities, organizing youth activities, and assisting special needs groups.

Sapir plans to launch three exciting new programs:

  1. A new faculty for the medical professions, offering pre-med and physical therapy studies
  2. A new faculty for advanced technology, offering degrees in engineering management, data science, aggrotech and food-tech.
  3. A student driven, social entrepreneurship program offering new solutions to regional challenges.

Prof. Nir Kedar, President of Sapir, says that leading the process of regional reconstruction is a natural expression of Sapir’s vision. “For us, study, research and social responsibility go hand in hand.  Our students and faculty will provide the hope, skills and talent this region needs to rebuild.”


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The State of Israel is gearing up to rebuild the communities of the Western Negev, and Sapir College will play a key role in the effort. The government’s Tkuma Directorate for the reconstruction of the Gaza Envelope has approved a special NIS 200 million budget to strengthen the college's programs for students. This investment demonstrates a long-term commitment to Sapir as the social and economic nerve center of the Western Negev. Sapir is the largest employer in the area, with a payroll of 1,300 and an extensive network of local suppliers who bolster the regional economy.
Partnership with the Jewish Community in Florida After the horrific events of October 7th, we learned that the Sapir community is not just limited to Otef Yisrael (Gaza Envelope)/Western Negev or Israel. We now have a growing global Sapir community, people who care deeply about our students and our region. Trudy and Seth Fine, a wonderful couple based in Florida (cousins of a faculty member), joined together with their community at Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El and Rabbi Uriel Romano to raise funds for Sapir College.