Wednesday | 27/03/2024 | 19:00-20:30 | Online

At the end of the travelling version of the Cinema South Festival - and symbolically, on International Cinema Day - we will gather for a special event at the closed Sderot Cinematheque for a multi-participant conversation on the status of Israeli cinema in the world in the shadow of war. In a special panel that will include young filmmakers who travel between festivals around the world with their films, and key figures in the Israeli film and television industry, we will discuss questions of responsibility in representing the local film industry on significant stages abroad, ways of dealing with anti-Semitic or anti-Israeli expressions and events, international funding and co-productions in a challenging period of chaos, both moral and in terms of perception, the importance of strengthening positive relationships with entities and colleagues in the different fields of the industry internationally, and more.

The panelists 
Kobi Mizrahi | Producer
Hilla Medalia | Producer
Oren Garner | Director
Michal Vinik| Director

Ziv Naveh | Director of the Gesher Fund for Multicultural Cinema
Anat Natal | Program manager, Docaviv
Pnina Chalfon | CoPro
Hedva Goldschmidt | Go2Films

Moderator: Osnat Bukofzer, Director of International Affairs, Yehoshua Rabinovitz Foundation for the Arts

לוגו קרן לשיווק תוכן ישראלי


סמן ביומן 2024-03-27 17:00:00 2024-03-27 18:30:00 אירוע תעשייה-מעמד הקולנוע הישראלי בעולם אונליין Sapir College Asia/Jerusalem public