Jews of Marrakech now and then
6 short documentary films

A co-production: 
Sapir College, School of Audio and Visual Arts
MAHIR Center UM6P, Connect institute
Gesher Multicultural Film Fund (GMFF)
With the participation of ESAV Film School in Marrakech

Mentor of directing and cinematography: Philippe Bellaiche - Sapir College
Mentor of research and production: Prof. Sami Shalom Chetrit -  Sapir College
Research advisor: Prof. Aomar Boum- UCLA
Directing advisor: Kamal Hachkar - Marrakech
Chief producers: Jihan Tahiri - Connect Institute, Gali Luzon - Sapir College
Coordinator of MAHIR Center UM6P: Mamoun Ghallab
Director of Connect Institute and MAHIR Center: Taha Balafrej
Cinematography Credit: Hen Hajaj
Supporting Funds: Mahir Center, Connect institute, קרן גשר לקולנוע רב תרבותי, ESAV ,בית הספר לקולנוע במרקש, בתמיכה של המשרד לשיתוף פעולה אזורי, בתמיכה של משרד החוץ, בתמיכה של משרד התרבות והספורט.

שורת לוגואים

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