Thursday | 10/11/2022 | 14:30-16:00 | Mishkan Ella - Main Hall

How, after having left Morocco and its ignored culture at 17 for France,
I was suddenly caught back 14 years later when I came back just as a tourist...
That's what I thought.
In fact it was an invisible planned meeting with my roots  and  myself, lasting over half a century now, that gave me the wings to undertake, at my own surprise and ignorance, my risky engagement in cinema, and above all, in the production and direction of a series of documentaries properly named
Morocco body and soul! 
I did it my way: as a total self-taught!


סמן ביומן 2022-11-10 14:30:00 2022-11-10 16:00:00 כיתת אמן איזא ג'ניני משכן אלה - אולם Sapir College Asia/Jerusalem public