Tuesday | 08/11/2022 | 14:00-15:30 | Cinematent

Kirk Docker – director, producer and content editor – is one of the world's most fascinating creator's in the world of non-scripted format. Docker is a whiz of words, a master interviewer and interviewee, a funny and intelligent man. When you get to know him you realize to what extent "You Can't Ask That" was created in his image, according to his values and worldview, and to what degree it is a natural sequel to his earlier works that will be presented at the workshop. A unique opportunity to learn from the Australian creator about his professional work, his creative processes, his singular point of view and ask him all the questions – which perhaps one can't ask.


סמן ביומן 2022-11-08 14:00:00 2022-11-08 15:30:00 כיתת אמן קירק דוקר סינמטנט Sapir College info@sapir.ac.il Asia/Jerusalem public